[ultimate_info_table design_style=”design06″ package_heading=”Era Polymers – The Company” package_sub_heading=”Founded in April 1986, out of a home office in Sydney, Australia, by George and Tina Papamanuel – specializing in the field of polyurethane elastomer chemistry” icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”4066″ img_width=”55″ heading_font_color=”#ffffff” subheading_font_color=”#ffffff” heading_font_style=”font-weight:bold;” heading_font_size=”desktop:20px;”]The original company was started in April 1986, out of a home office in Sydney, Australia, by George and Tina Papamanuel. It began by specializing in the field of polyurethane elastomer chemistry, to help its customers serve important markets in the mining and industrial sectors, where the abrasion resistance and versatility of polyurethane elastomers was desired.


Since those humble beginnings it has grown to become the largest Polyurethane Systems House in Australia, and from there, it began to export its products around the world.

Era Polymers USA is the latest addition to the network, with the purpose built prepolymer facility in Stanley, NC, allowing the company to serve the North and Latin American business markets.[/ultimate_info_table]

[ultimate_info_table design_style=”design06″ color_scheme=”gray” package_heading=”Goddess Era” package_sub_heading=”(H)Era in Greek religion, wife of Zeus – Queen of the Olympian Gods” icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”4377″ img_width=”55″ heading_font_style=”font-weight:bold;”]

Goddess Era
The patron Goddess of the Isle of Samos.
A father’s passionate love of the island prompted his son to commemorate its history in the naming of our company.


Sydney • Adelaide • Auckland • Brisbane • Malaysia • Melbourne • Singapore • South Africa • United Kingdom • USA


[ultimate_info_table design_style=”design03″ color_scheme=”gray” package_heading=”The Era Polymers Network” icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”2121″ img_width=”450″ heading_font_style=”font-weight:bold;”]

  • Era Polymers USA – Stanley, NC
  • Era Polymers Australia – Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide
  • Samos Polymers Australia – Sydney
  • Applied Polymers Australia – Melbourne
  • Era Polymers New Zealand – Auckland
  • Era Polymers South Africa – Johannesburg
  • Urethane Coatings Australia – Sydney

Era Polymers sales offices include USA, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Singapore. Stocking points, are located in all the capital cities of Australia, as well as Malaysia, Shanghai, Dubai, Belgium, South Africa, Canada and the USA. Additionally, customers worldwide, are serviced by our extensive worldwide wide distributor network.[/ultimate_info_table]

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(www.pmahome.org)” custom_link=”1″ button_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Ferapolymersusa.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Ffiles%2Fabout%2FPMA2015.pdf|title:PMA%20Membership|target:_blank” button_text=”Click Here” button_txt=”#ffffff” title_font_style=”font-weight:bold;”]

Business is People doing Business with People